Guido Zehetbauer-Salzer
Future´s memories of today´s paradise.
Guido Zehetbauer-Salzer paints, draws, even intones the nature-space-forest. In his paintings, he portrays the sublimity and preciousness of a world that - also as a synonym for the meaning of all existence - threatens to be lost to us in its abundance and diversity. By means of a formal reduction to rough structures and excessive colourfulness, he invites us not only to share and empathise with his expressive impressions of the forest universe, but also to continue dreaming independently. Expressively abstracted columned halls that support the sun-drenched canopy of leaves and needles. Red forest floors, from which the trunks of old giant trees grow into the sky.The intense colours underline the natural power of the forest. He dissolves the structure of the network of trees with wildly gesticulating handwriting, in a casual, light network of lines. Above all, Guido Zehetbauer-Salzer wants to record his forest sensations, odours, moods, seasons and times of day, to make them reliveable. His forests invite us to enter, to get involved, by leaving plenty of room for individual illusions, adventures and longings.
In his object works, he dispenses with colour. Here, Guido Zehetbauer-Salzer is concerned solely with form. They are three-dimensional drawings made of thin wire lines. Homages to nature. In another series, he wraps this natural architecture in transparent paper. The delicate paper wrapping appears vulnerably light and at the same time monumental, as if chiselled in stone.